Election Survey Responses on the Community Covenant
On July 1, 2019, A Voice for the Reduction of Poverty sent our proposed “Community Covenant” and a short survey to all 112 candidates running for Metro office. We received 59 responses and are pleased to report that the 50 candidates below (in alphabetical order) have agreed, if elected, to sponsor or support the proposed Community Covenant and its recommendations in the form of a non-binding resolution to the Metro Council. We look forward to working with them to help make this a reality after the election.
The election survey asked all candidates the following questions:
Do you support the principles of the Community Covenant for Nashville? (Yes/No)
Will you pledge to talk about these principles in the remaining weeks of your campaign? (Yes/No)
If elected, will you sponsor or support the adoption of the Community Covenant in the form of a non-binding resolution to the City Council? (Yes/No/Undecided)
If you have any concerns about the Community Covenant, please explain them. You may also use this space to offer suggestions for ways to improve the Covenant.
In addition to this Community Covenant, what other suggestions do you have for making Nashville a more equitable city?
The candidates below have pledged to support the Community Covenant as a non-binding resolution to Metro Council. Click on the buttons below to download the detailed responses of each group of candidates (including those who did not pledge to support the Community Covenant).
David Briley, John Ray Clemmons, John Cooper, Julia Clark-Johnson, Jimmy Lawrence, Jon Sewell
Jim Shulman
Burkley Allen, Fabian Bedne, Rueben Dockery, Sharon Hurt, Howard Jones, Gicola Lane, Bob Mendes, Gary Moore, Zulfat Suara
Art Allen, Emily Benedict, Denise Bentley, Terry Jo Bichell, Julia Clark-Johnson, Melissa Covington, Stephen Downs, Erin Evans, Dan Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Gamble, Jacob Green, John Green, Tori Goddard, Gloria Hausser, Lydia Hubbell, Elise Hudson, Mina Johnson, Courtney Johnston, Sherry Jones, Edward Kindall, Paul King, Jimmy Lawrence, Rudolph Mamula, Cheryl Mayes, Pam Murray, Robert Nash, David McMurry, Sean Parker, Mamula Rudolph, Colby Sledge, Constance Smith-Burwell, Joy Styles, Jeff Syracuse, Kyonzte Toombs, Nancy VanReece, Ginny Welsch
Nashville is experiencing unprecedented growth, and make no mistake, that is a good thing. But growth itself is not a value: we must ask ourselves what we are growing towards. We hope that our “Community Covenant” can start a conversation about what we want Nashville’s future to look like, and how we can make sure that the future includes all Nashvillians.